Add bluffer err, Blufr in your blog.

Adding Blufr in your Blog:

Have you seen Blufr Beta? If not then scroll down to this blog's bottom and you will find a Blufr question - waiting for your answer - Way or no Way?

Well, the way Blufr works is indeed an interesting way to teach people about small things. You can add code of Blufr in your Blog template. The best part is, questions get changed every time when you refresh the page.

Here is the code for Blufr Beta that you may paste at an appropriate place in your Blog template:

<center><embed style="WIDTH: 250px; HEIGHT: 275px" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" scale="exactfit"></EMBED><BR>Powered by<br>free <a href="">online dictionary</a> and more<BR></center>

There are many other optional code which you can choose according to your need. Just visit this Link.


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