How to run KDE 4 applications in Windows XP / Windows Vista directly off CD/DVD ROM?

Run KDE 4 Desktop applications in Windows XP / Windows Vista directly off CD/DVD ROM.

Here is how:

Install kde4 for Windows in your computer as described here.

Copy entire install directory of KDE 4 and burn it on a DVD (you can use CD ROM too, if you have installed few apps. A full KDE install takes about 2.5 GB).

Now put DVD on any Windows XP / Windows Vista computer and run KDE applications directly by executing .exe files from DVD’s Kde 4 bin sub-directory under installation directory.

For example, you can double click kate.exe under bin sub-directory on CD/DVD Rom to run it.

You can copy the entire KDE 4 install directory to another Windows XP / Vista computer’s hard disk and can run kde applications without the need of cumbersome installations.

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