If you are Blogger, writing blogs then You must be dumber than High-School Kids!

And, I am not kidding!

Yes, the results were out since quite some time, and, as you can see, they are not heartening!

Scienceblog.com had held A Blogger SAT-style writing Challenge for bloggers. The Challenge ran from September 15 to September 20, 2006, where bloggers and blog readers from around the world expressed their skill at writing SAT-style essays under test conditions. They were given 20 minutes to answer a sample SAT question, and their entries were collected and sent to volunteer graders for grading.

Final ratings made Sciencelogs.com to come to obvious conclusion: It is been scientifically proved that high-school students are better writers than bloggers!

You can count this blog, and this blogger as well! :)

Tag ,,,

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